Coach Keren is the coach from above! The team continues raving about you and the spirit of positivity, energy and humor you brought into the discussion... It was amazing to see how people began adapting the verbiage that they have been resisting for a year... Thank you for contributing so greatly to improving our team’s dynamic.
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What private coaching includes

Module 1 – Welcome to Possibility: The Beginner's Mindset
In this first week, I take you to the starting point of everything: understanding that you don’t know what you don’t know. If you don’t know what you don’t know – we aim to uncover what you’ve been missing all along and how you can shift your perspective about your present circumstances, forever changing your story.
Module 2 – Why You Do What You Do
Get ready to uncover your beliefs and motivators. In this segment we explain what the underlying basic human emotional needs are, how they have unconsciously directed your choices, and how you can rise into higher directives for the creation of an easier, more meaningful and more successful existence.
Here’s the deal: you can’t transform what you’re not conscious of. To that end, this module will help us come together and shed light on that which has been running your show – so that you can change it.
Module 3 – Accept Yourself
Every person on the planet has a deep-seated fear that they are not enough, that they are somehow not measuring up, that they are “less than.” From Impostor Syndrome to settling for way less than you are capable of reaching, we are about to resolve this and rise from the punishing annals of invulnerability, incuriousness and perfectionism into greater ease and equanimity – the emotional mastery that will afford you a better life. After hearing my personal story, we’ll be diving deep into uncovering yours. In uncovering your “measuring up” story, you’ll see whose “rules” you’ve been playing by that no longer serve you, and how to transform them. With practical steps and concrete instruction, I will guide you into fully accepting yourself.

Module 4 – Uncover Your Purpose
I help break down one of the most difficult concepts in life and business: Purpose. Purpose doesn’t have to be a mystery or enormous and unattainable goal, and you don’t have to fear the perceived judgment of following any desire YOU deem worthy of your attention in this life. There is a way to find what feels right to you and to create a purposeful vision that works for you and for everyone involved.
Module 5 – Create Your Action Plan
In Module 5, we move into action AFTER finding our desired clarity. After all, if we created our goals at the onset on top of all that blockage, it wouldn’t yield much progress, would it? I guide you here through my number one tool for creating your ultimate, foolproof action plan, plus give you all my personal systems for focus and discipline to help you up your game on a daily basis.
Module 6 – How to "Solve for Happy"
There is a master framework at work here, and it’s the aim for happiness. In this module, I introduce you to the main focus of Positive to convince you that happiness is all you really want and to walk you through the key steps to guarantee happiness. With inspiring stories and lessons from me on how to create happiness within yourself on a daily basis.

Module 7 – The Law of Attraction
This module is where it all starts to “click into place:” where you begin to understand the laws of physics and how to harness them more directly towards what you truly want, rather than asking them to just carry you along through life. From creating and living according to your values, setting boundaries, prioritizing pleasure and play, raising your standards and learning what to look out for, this is the module that will become your basis for being and for creating a deliberate, focused reality.
Module 8 – Your New Consciousness: Superstar Influence
You’ve now done the inner and external (action oriented) work to discover your ultimate vision, take charge of your belief system, activate your superpowers and get going on your goal for the year. In this final Module, you will get clear on how you can step into your new way of being and stay there- starting TODAY.
Modules 9-12 – Custom to You
Will be determined based on your leadership and executive needs.
So...are you in?
What My Clients Are Saying...
Coach Keren has been nothing short of a life changer for me. before I met her, I was drifting through life in a state of perpetual self doubt. Life was something that other people lived, while it was something that just happened to me and I was a passenger in my own journey. Over my 10 weeks with her, I was able to achieve multiple breakthroughs, removing a lot of my mental blocks and reclaiming control of my story. Gradually my outlook on life did a complete 180 - I saw my relationships improve, my confidence tick up to new levels and my belief in my own sense of self worth reached amazing highs. I was where I needed to be mentally to live life on my own terms, and life did indeed catch up with me on multiple fronts !! I am so grateful for all that has happened and i am so so thankful to Keren for setting me on the path to an amazing future.. One of the best compliments I got which touched me at a really deep level was from my wife - all she said was “ Keren has finally given my husband back to me”.
Aditya Sethia
Keren is an absolute dynamo. She has had a direct, meaningful impact on me and my business in a very short period of time (a few months). As a person that hears a lot of claims and hokum, this is the real deal. That said, to get the most out of the work with Keren, be prepared to go all-in, and do the work to earn this valuable reward. This is not a passive program, and not something you do while you're on the treadmill. A value at twice the price, and truly a blessing in my life. Thank you Keren.
Larry Perkins
In my 5 years as a business owner, working with Keren has been the best business and personal investment I have made. Her approach isn’t about simply making near term business decisions — it’s about changing the way you think and the way you approach business, relationships, life in general. Keren’s blend of theoretical and tactical coaching meant that I was able to test out my new skills immediately and also that - months later - I am still learning and growing. And the best part? Keren doesn’t let her clients get away with simply going through the motions. Her style is loving but tough. She really understands people and has a deep belief that everyone can live a better, more fulfilling life. That belief is contagious and works.
Janvi Jhaveri
Working with Keren was exactly what I needed to level up in my year-old business as an Executive Coach and Talent Consultant. I had a major limiting mindset around feeling like in order to be successful, I had to burn myself out at work. Keren helped me work through that mindset, push past my upper limit, and realize that I could be successful and have a job that actually BRINGS me joy and energy, rather than takes that from me. She also helped me rewire my money mindset to allow myself to live in and believe in abundance. And then, on top of all of that, she gave me incredibly useful technical strategies that have allowed me to sign 4 new clients in 4 weeks, which is the most I've ever signed in that short of a time period. Working with Coach Keren was an invaluable experience!
Mary Mayson Boaz
Keren’s enthusiasm for boundless possibilities in life, work, and relationships has helped me to thrive as a person over the past two years of working with her. She has taught me to refine my delegation and time management skills and created space and accountability in reaching my goals. I can seek advice on about anything from my personal life to negotiating a contract and find a solution that resonates with my whole person. Overall, Keren has inspired me to focus on what matters and live my life with the most enthusiasm possible! I am grateful to have met her and look forward to advancing myself and career with her support.
Eva Yazhari
Keren’s diversified life experiences coupled with her passionate desire to always learn, grow and understand life's mysteries makes her a valuable coach to anyone who wants to understand the limitations that are holding them back while creating a plan to leap forward to their greatest current potential. Knowing Keren for many years, she would be one of the first people I would hire and bring into my team to clarify my strategies and increase my success.
Jen Groover
Keren is incredible at helping you demystify the fog, helping you clarify your thoughts, helping you find your purpose, helping you find your energy and helping you connect with what it is that actually drives you.
Hooman Yazhari
I'm really enjoying the program. I think this is the first time in my adult life that I have stopped to examine what I am doing, why I am doing it and whether it is really something that brings me happiness. I'm also learning to be kind to myself and to start.
Andin Fonyonga
When it comes to choosing a coach, there are loads of contenders that talk a good game, but Keren actually makes it happen. Keren is a luxury business insider, a corporate former C-suite executive herself, which meant she could truly empathize with my situation, and give super relevant - as in: realistic and actionable - feedback... Not only did she give me the clarity that I sought about the impact of my role currently and in shaping my and the company’s future, but she left me with a life-changing toolkit that I use daily to optimize my time, deconstruct overwhelm and simplify my approach to get even more done. Plus, I had oh so much fun!
Kristina Buckley Kayel
Keren is a fantastic coach, both one-on-one and in co-founder/partnership situations. She’s both brilliant and emotionally intelligent which gives her the ability to identify and tackle issues very quickly. She’s also a ball of positivity and is never not wearing a smile!
Evan Golub
Coach Keren helped us to emerge more united and inspired than ever. Beyond strategies, concretely, her programming has unlocked something really powerful in each of us and as a team.
Yana Valletta
Frequently Asked Questions
It’s understandable that the mean feat of changing your life may look like it will involve a lot of time. After all, it’s not easy. But this program does offer you a relatively fast and efficient way through this: just 10 weeks, in which you will dedicate 2 hours a week to all the work- from intaking course materials, to doing the work, to actual sessions. That’s 20 hours total to change your life and up-level in absolutely every respect over the course of 4 months. Does that still sound like “too much”? (yeah. I didn’t think so).
When it comes to coaching or deciding to change your life, time is not really the issue – being ready is. For the record, I decided to go for coaching when I had neither the time, nor the money, nor any semblance of peace. I was looking for a job, pretty broke, and had just lost both my cats and my home. But what I did have was eagerness, readiness and the clear intention to change my life. Basically, I was done with the excuses and with my own nonsense about why this wouldn’t work or was not worth my full-fledged and whole-hearted effort. The rest, as they say, is history. If you are ready and you feel it in your heart: this IS the time.
If you have exceptional focusing and follow through abilities, you will for sure get a lot out of an online coaching program – and many have thoroughly enjoyed mine. But there is a massive difference between intaking materials yourself and working with a seasoned pro who can see your blindspots a mile away and guide you specifically while holding you accountable for your actions and to your goals. Think about it this way: taking an online coaching program or reading the books – it’s like walking into a well-lit room and you WILL absorb the light. Working with a coach, by comparison, is like being beamed with a laser. ALL the light will be absorbed in the exact spot. If I were in your shoes, I’d go for the sure-fire hit.
Well, chances are you are an over-achiever, at least in some respects and when it concerns topics about which you feel very passionate. However, this program is more intensely focused. Though I do not engage in any of the harsh tactics I’ve seen other pseudo practitioners employ – such as tough love and foul language – I am fast and expect a high level of engagement and performance. So if you are not into reading, doing the work on time, staying focused on your learning and results and asking and answering difficult questions that may have you stretching yourself, behaviorally, this program is not for you. This is for those who already have a lot of Rockstar results in their lives and are not afraid to hit the gas and go for even more.